Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I know it's not 5 yet but God, I am good!

Who would have thought I could create something so good at one in the afternoon? We spent the morning in the pool and by the time I got everyone dry, clothed and fed I was exhausted. I started digging in the fridge looking for something easy to eat and right before I gave in to the chinese takeout leftovers that were calling my name, something caught my eye... the leftover mushrooms from pizza night. Immediately, I came up with a plan- Triskets topped with wild mushrooms and fresh mozzarella. I washed, chopped and piled and stood back to look at my creation. Something was missing. It looked dry, then it hit me- balsamic vinegar. A little splash here, a little splash there and done!

Oh my goodness gracious. Amazing. I know what you are thinking and yes the Triskets got a tad soggy but it wasn't too bad. If anything the Triskets absorbed some of the vinegar and the "soggy" ones were the best.

I think this will go into my lunch rotation.