Sunday, September 12, 2010

Drunken Shrimp Gone Wrong

Every Sunday starts the same. We sit down as a family and discuss what we want to eat for the week, make the menu and the grocery list and go to the store.

This week, we decided to have Chile Lime Grilled Shrimp for dinner tonight. Sounds good, huh? Too bad, I wouldn't know. Driving home from the store, my wheels started turning. What could I marinade the shrimp in? I had a lemon so I decided lemon and white wine. I got the shrimp out and squeezed the lemon until I could squeeze no more. As I reached into the fridge for the wine I got a change of heart and grabbed a beer. A Sam Adams Oktoberfest. Poured it all over the shrimp and added a few cloves of garlic. Sampled it and it was amazing. At that point I decided I would either boil the shrimp or steam it using the marinade I had created.

Fast forward 6 hours to dinner time, I had never boiled or steamed shrimp so I had no clue what I was doing. I figured boiling couldn't be too hard so I went with that. Everything was going great until Rylan started screaming. I left the shrimp to boil a little longer and went to nurse her one more time and put her back to bed. Bad idea. The shrimp boiled too long and tasted like pencil erasers.

I was so pissed. It would have been amazing if I had known what I was doing. I don't know if I mentioned this (I say that like people actually read this)but I know nothing about the art of cooking. I make it up as I go and rarely use a recipe (for the record, if I post it here, it was recipeless). So when I boiled the shrimp,I was simply going off my knowledge of boiling other food. I had no clue that shrimp were supposed done after boiling for only 2 minutes.

Damn shrimp. It would have been so good.