Friday, August 13, 2010

Oh Garlic, My Garlic

I love garlic. For years, every meal started the same- with a clove of garlic. I used garlic like other people use water when they cook. Everything tasted so good, little did I realize everything also tasted the same.

After Rylan was born I had to give up garlic. I cried. Really... She was about 5 weeks old when I realized her little tummy couldn't handle it. So for the last 6 months I have been experimenting with different ways to flavor my food. I have even grown my own basil and chives. I use parsley, dill, and basil a lot but not as much as I used garlic. I found myself missing garlic less and less as I discovered new flavors and realized all my meals didn't need to taste the same.

Tonight though, I broke down. Rylan is almost 7 months old and eats all kind of stuff on her own. Her tummy is matured quite a bit and I had nothing major on the agenda for tomorrow so I figured, what the hell. I made sauteed spinach with garlic and damn, it was good.

Here's hoping Rylan doesn't make me pay for it tomorrow.